

Costa Rica – Tips für Ökotouristen

Costa Rica ist ein ideales Reiseland für Liebhaber der urwüchsigen Natur. Die Landschaft mutet paradiesisch an. Auf Nationalparkwanderungen können die Besucher aktive Vulkane, Regen- oder Nebelwälder erleben.

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10 Top Tourist Attractions in Berlin

Die fünf Museen auf der Museumsinsel Berlin bilden einen der wichtigsten Museumskomplexe der Welt.

Did you know that Berlin Germany has more than 140 Museums? Did you further know that this city has more than 1,400 bridges, and besides all that more than 100 additional places of interest? Read on to discover.

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10 Travel Tips You Need To Know Before Visiting Italy

[:de]Many visitors are taken in by the false familiarity of seeing spaghetti or lasagna on the menu and expect the same watered down Italian culture that they experience at home. Traveling in Italy is the real McCoy and there are a few tips and tricks that every visitor should know. [:en]Many visitors are taken in by the false familiarity of seeing spaghetti or lasagna on the menu and expect the same watered down Italian culture that they experience at home. Traveling in Italy is the real McCoy and there are a few tips and tricks that every visitor should know. [:]

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