On the highest of the seven hills of Paris sits enthroned a pilgrimage church that reminds a little and 1001 nights. The Basilique de Sacré Coeur can be seen from afar. Inspired by St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice and Roman-Byzantine architecture, the architect Paul Abadie has created a building that has been attracting people since 1919 like no other sight in Paris. Every year more than ten million tourists make the pilgrimage to the church, marvel at the golden mosaics inside and the view of Paris. There are 237 steps leading up to it. Besides of that you can take a small, steel cable-drawn cable car to the Place Saint-Pierre, the Funiculaire.
Paris: Montmartre
During the Belle Époque, artists such as Renoir, Matisse, and Toulouse-Lautrec established the fame of the 130 m high hill as an artists’ quarter. Picasso’s atelier – Le Bateau-Lavoir – on Place Émile Goudeau is now a hotel. Louis Barbier presents the life and work of what is probably the most famous chronicler of the district in his Espace Toulouse-Lautrec on rue André Antoine 11. The Kadist Art Foundation (www.kadist.org) on rue de Trois Frères is one of the most exciting galleries for contemporary art, exhibits the current art of all branches, including the Swiss Olaf Breuning and the Leipzig Christiane Baumgartner.
The Espace Dalí (www.daliparis.com) near a square commemorates the master of surrealism, who worked in Paris between the two world wars and met his muse and companion Elena Dmitrievna Diakonova there, which is also popular for his pickpockets and the overpriced tourist cafés as famous as for its outdoor artists and flying portraitists: the Place du Tertre. But you shouldn’t miss this place, it has retained its charm and ambiance. However, all valuables should be safely stowed away!
The further you get away from the hustle and bustle of tourism, the more you immerse yourself in “The fabulous world of Amélie Poulain”, with which Audrey Tautou 2001 delighted moviegoers. The film was shot, among other things. in the vegetable shop “Au Marché de la Butte” on the corner of Rue des Trois Frères / Rue Androuet, in the Épicerie “Maison Collignon” on Rue Ravignan and in the Café des 2 Moulin at 15 Rue Lepic.
Paris: Montmartre, Place du Tertre
Viticulture is closely linked to the history of Montmartre. 27 grape varieties grow on the slope, especially Gamay and Pinot Noir, and the “Clos Montmartre” has long been an organic wine: In the fight against powdery mildew and fungi, the 1,800 vines are treated only with natural substances such as copper and sulfur.

The city fills 800 liters every year in its cellar in the 18th arrondissement, for some it is a tasty table wine, for others, it is inedible booze. But the harvest in October has celebrated together: The Compagnons de Montmartre wine brotherhood parade in traditional costumes in front of politicians and celebrities, free open-air concerts, gourmet market, and fireworks make the Fête des Vendanges a public festival.
Paris: Montmartre, Pigalle
The Paris red light district is located on the boulevard section between the metro stations Blanche and Pigalle. With a few exceptions (such as the Sexodrome), however, the various strip clubs and sex shops on this street are a bit dingy and shabby – the area is past its prime. It is advisable to watch the hustle and bustle around the numerous sex bars from a distance and enjoy a freshly tapped beer in one of the numerous bars at Blanche and Pigalle. Attention: At late hours you should avoid the median of the boulevard.

Read here more about Pigalle
Paris: Montmartre, Moulin Rouge
If the sights in Paris are beginning to boring for you, you could dare to take an evening trip to the Pigalle entertainment district. The infamous Moulin Rouge vaudeville theater with its unmistakable red mill is located here on Boulevard de Clichy. Pigalle is known as a tourist trap with lots of sex shops around Place Pigalle and street prostitution in the side streets. In one of the many bars and cafes you can watch the erotic hustle and bustle in the Pigalle entertainment district. Such a nocturnal excursion to the entertainment district is definitely something exciting and can quickly end with a stormy night in the hotel room …
Read here more about Moulin Rouge