2Orta San Giulio in Italy
The Village is is registered in the association “I borghi più belli d’Italia“, the most beautiful places in Italy. In other words, the place is off the beaten path, but of great cultural tourism value. The Italian community with its 1262 inhabitants is located on the eastern shore of Lake Orta on a headland protruding into the lake and is a major tourist town with a picturesque old town.
Reasons why you should visit Orta San Giulio
The village is close to the Sacri Monti with its nine chapels that were built in the mountains in the 16th and 17th centuries. For centuries, people here have been seeking comfort and help from the miraculously revered Black Madonna of Oropa. Today they are a popular tourist attraction.

A hike right along the lake shore around the peninsula is socially beautiful.
In addition, the district of Legro is known as a “painted village”; the walls of many houses are decorated with painted scenes from feature films that were shot in the area of Lake Orta.
The picturesque village with its village square is one of the most beautiful gems on Lake Orta, but is closed to car traffic.