
Top 10 Things to Do in Krakow

6Wieliczka Salt Mines

Though this may sound boring, the salt mine tour delves deep underground where you’ll see salt-carved chapels and an underground lake. Pictures are encouraged!

7St. Mary’s Basilica

Sitting in the main square of the Old Town, the Basilica is bursting with color from the minute you step inside. Outside, at every hour, the guard play Hejnal at the four cardinal points of the church.

8Oskar Schindler’s Factory

Made famous by the movie “Schindler’s List”, you can visit the real factory which has been transformed into a museum.

9The Barbican

Built around 1498, this is the only part of the city walls that remain. Opposite is St. Florian’s gate and the two are the only structures still standing from the city’s defenses.

10Rynek Glowny

The main square of Krakow, the Rynek Glowny is the heart of the Old Town. It holds the Cloth Hall, St. Mary’s Basilica along with numerous shops and restaurants. It’s impossible to miss on your tour of Krakow.

With all of the architecture and history built into Krakow, it’s a wonder the city isn’t more overrun with tourists. There is too much to see and do in one trip but the prices won’t preclude a second visit. And once you’ve left, you’ll wonder what else you’ve missed.

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